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Ecological Exploration

Grass puffer

Fish | Tetraodontidae
Takifugu niphobles


The grass puffer is short and round like a barrel and has distinct body colors. Their back is black-green and the abdomen is gray-white with white spots scattered across the body. These fish are carnivores. After high tides, they come in groups in the low tidal zone and wait in shallow water to prey on shellfish, crustaceans, aquatic insects, or small fish. Their hunting tactic is to hide and remain still, then rush out when prey approaches. When faced with danger, the grass puffer escapes by enlarging its body and playing dead.


The grass puffer appears in sandy beaches with low-water lines at Gaomei Wetlands.


  • (圖書) 林惠真,高美濕地生物資源,台中,1998。
  • (圖書) 林惠真、宋文汀、蘇珊慧,台中縣海岸溼地生態教室,台中,2003。
  • (圖書) 林惠真、曾于芳,話說高美,台中,2014年。
  • (圖書) 林惠真,走入海岸線,台北,2015。